gospel. Family. Mission.

What is this new church all about?

Three things:

GOSPEL - In ourselves we are more sinful and flawed than we would ever care to admit. But God nevertheless loves us and pursues us. He sent his son Jesus to take the punishment for our sins, and through his death, we are forgiven. In Christ we are more loved and accepted than we could ever wish for. This is the good news.  Everything we do is driven by this.

FAMILY - The death of Christ has not only reconciled us to God, it has also made us family. No matter our background, our race, or our college sports affiliations, we are family. We seek to love and serve one another, and to grow together in Christ.

MISSION - We don't just exist for ourselves, we have been called to love our neighbors. We seek to show that love in practical ways through service, and through bringing the gospel to our neighbors in Lexington and beyond.